Thursday, 20 October 2011

Cheshire Cat inspirations...

Here is a collection of animated .GIFs from various versions of Alice in Wonderland each showing a different way they interpret the Cheshire Cat, particularly the way he might move or appear.

These first few are made from footage of the recent 'Alice in Wonderland' film by Tim Burton. They were all found via google image searches.
This one at the top is rather unsettling.. The cat's head just floating in and smiling with his huge eyes.

I just love the way he spins and his body just materializes on the one above. This would be fantastic to replicate but would be hard maybe with 15 frames.
I also love the look on his face here as he disappears. Its so human.

Here is my favorite animated .GIF, the way the cat swirls and fades into the surroundings it wonderful. This would be fairly easy to do digitally to a drawing of a Cheshire cat face, but using a distortion filter on photoshop.
However would be very time consuming and difficult to do traditionally   

This of course is from the original Disney animation of Alice in Wonderland which at the time would have been created with traditonal mediums much like I would do, but not be used for a Zoetrope.
I like how the striped of the Cheshire cat unwind as he disappears, its a very original idea and probably one of the first times an audience have seen a moving representation of the cat.

Looking at these for reference have been good to get my ideas flowing, and given me a little inspiration for how the cat will looks aswell as how he will move or be animated. 

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