Monday, 31 October 2011

Childcare for Dummies

Its fairly unclear on the internet as to who made these illustrations, but it is clear to say that they are hilarious!
The each display a simple instruction to take care of your child, and shows both the correct way to do so and the very wrong was to do it.
I love the simple style of the illustrations and they look like official instructional diagrams because of this. Similar to things that can be seen in car manuals for example. The instructions are therefore easy to understand which in some cases could be life saving!

I love the humor used, especially in the bonding one. The pose of the woman in the 'NO' illustration is really well done and you get a great sense of her having a wild time, whilst the baby sits there...
I think the simplicity of the illustrations alone contribue to the humour a little because they look so serious, but clearly are not.

It also shows how instructional diagrams don't always have to be complex lists of things to do and not do, as here only 2 illustrations are used per picture. I don't like clogged up instructions as they are often confusing and hard to read, for me, simple is better especially as I want to aim my instructions at a younger audience. (My instructions will aim to look like instructions for a toy that would come in the toy's packaging.)

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